Hands down, one of the best performances I've seen all year was Spiritualized at the Vista Theatre last night. Jason Pierce, accompanied by an orchestra and backup singers, performed many Spiritualized classics, like "Stop Your Crying" (above) and then some - from Spacemen 3's "Walking with Jesus" to Daniel Johnston's "True Love Will Find You In The End." Unbelievable.
“Killa Season again, you little yentas!!!,” “November 7th. Cam’ron is anonymous. Dipset!”
Excuse me? Did Cam'Ron say 'yentas?'
It all makes sense! After announcing his return with the somewhat cryptic message above, Cam'Ron explained to MissInfo his fascination with judiasm, enough so that I couldn't avoid it.
Apparently, Cam'ron is a Larry David fan.
Courtesy of MissInfo:
[But before we hung up, I had to ask him about that cryptic message he sent my homies at MTV last week: “Killa Season again, you little yentas!!!,” “November 7th. Cam’ron is anonymous. Dipset!”]
MISSINFO: Uhh, Cam, do you know what a yenta is?
Killa Cam: Hahaha, of course! You know my lawyers are Jewish, they be saying that all the time. So then I was watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Larry David—I fucks with Larry—he called Ted Danson a ‘yenta.’ Yo, I fell out laughing. That shit was crazy. I said, that’s exactly what all these folks are doin’, gossiping about me. Yentas. That’s where the ‘Cam’ron is anonymous’ came from too. Did you see that episode? That’s my shit. You have HBO On Demand? Its episode 52….
Redd Kross have aged considerably since the performance above (I was but a sperm at that point), but dudes still came out and brought it to the Echo Plex. Frankly, I was surprised by the McDonald brothers' intensity and excitement, half expecting a group of bitter, aged musicians playing for a paycheck. Of course not!
The Kross seemingly traveled across their entire catalogue and back to the crowd's delight, meanwhile leaving out a crucial So Fresh, So Cold jam, "Solid Gold," off Born Innocent, but I ain't mad at 'em.