Wondering what's the latest and greatest in blogosphere USA?
Tick Dent
Inspired by a seemingly tense fiasco involving an Australian Death Tick (look it up) and an innocent dog, public enemy #2 (second to me, of course), Michelle Miko started a blog, called Tick Dent. The premise? Tour stories (including an epic recount of bicoastal unification of American junkfood), Friendly Neighbors on Joyce's Ulysses, and Nasa Space Universe on Die Kreuzen. Best of all, homegirl is two posts in, so get on it.
Nature Trumps
In his most recent incarnation, Nature Trumps, Arthur Mag boss Jay Babcock discusses the Los Angeles River's fragile existence. The blog's focus proves somewhat refreshing to those exhausted by the amount of pollution and urban decay we witness in Los Angeles every day.
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