I made the long pilgrimage Saturday to the Urban Outfitters in Santa Monica for Sonic Youth (after losing out on Sonic Youth and Red Cross at the Greek the night before.)
Dntel opened, what a snooze.

Lee played his guitar with a screwdriver and violin bow.

And Thurston used a drumstick.

Kim Gordon palmed my forehead. Really.

They played "Incinerater," "What's Your Rupture?," "Skiptracer," "Reena" and a few other songs.
Sonic Youth were totally rad. Urban Outfitters and Yaris, not so much. At least the money went to KXLU!
Then, Mallory, Greg, and I headed to the Smell and caught the tail end of the Softboiled Eggies set. Missing their guitarist, the Eggies ruled nevertheless.
Thanks to Mallory for the photos!
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