I've found myself consumed lately by the errors of the human way; the impatient motorist who, especially upon my approach, intentionally jeapordizes my safety on my bicycle in the best interest of their time, the incosiderate women littering pages of her magazine as she walks down the street, the racist bicyclist who blames a woman's race for her plain inattention to her surroundings, and most everything discussed in the news. Alone, the forementioned events may seem irrelevent or petty in the greater scheme of humanity. But they're not. They pile upon each other in my subconscious. And I wonder, what compels one to behave against their fellow human with little regard?
I learned a few days ago of the theft at Little Radio (best of all, the crime occured following a free event they'd hosted.) Like the others, it ate away at my confidence in the human existence. Soon after, to my surprise, Little Radio announced that they'd discovered the thief. His name? Richie, from Santa Ana.
Little Radio's public discovery of Richie as their thief serves as another scapegoat to channel my dissapointment with humanity in. Hey, maybe it's not everyone who sucks? Maybe the chosen few, like Richie, bring down the rest of us. Maybe we all bring each other down? I can safely say that I've made choices no better than Richie's and I know I'm not the only one. The single consolation of shitty decisions is the first step set forth, after all is said and done. How will you carry yerself after you've fucked up?
I'm glad Little Radio recovered their belongings and I'm also bummed that, as a result of one man's poor choices, Little Radio will restrict it's outreach to the community.
If Karma truly exists, I hope Richie is fairly compensated for his actions.
Read the entire story here.
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