First, there's a group opening Saturday night at the Fluxco Gallery, downtown. 2042 Bay St. 6-10 PM.
Features Dan Monick, Anton Schneider, Ingrid Allen, Cali DeWitt, Jessie Spears, and more. Best of all, David Scott Stone will be melting brains on modular synthesizer!

Next, an instore at FAMILY. Bob Odenkirk, Mat Walsh and Eric Hoffman reading/performing "Comedy By The Numbers." FAMILY rarely disappoints and this looks to be no exception to the rule.

And later that night, Cave Singers, Lightning Dust, and Mr. Free and the Satellite Freakout at 6th St. Gallery. Granted, New Ship events usually start later than promised, which allows you to head over to Fluxco or FAMILY.
So many promising events. Play yr cards right and you might just be able to attend all three.
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