Friday, June 15, 2007

Dear Jon,

This isn't Matzah. OHHH NO, I'm updating this blog because I don't want to update my own. Basically, Matzah is telling me that I'm abusive and mean and that I'm violent. That's kind of funny, right? What's even more funny is that we are both wearing No Age shirts like we're married or some shit. And a theme song will be playing when we enter every room. So, while Matzah forces me to watch Sopranos, I watch the L word on Demand, because he has it. Best part is that he thinks I'm using him for it. He sleeps. I don't know, man. I cannot wait to go to Whole Foods so this dude will stop putting his stinking socks in my face. I will miss him while I'm on tour, but he will delete this before you read it. Michelle Suarez reporting from West Holly.

We gotta go, he says.

I listen.

Tick Dent

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